(Archival Information)

Manuals for our classic Motorhomes are still available.  These manuals are necessary information even if you do not do your own maintenance.  The manuals show the breakdown, parts, and operations necessary to keep your coach running
Click for Detail Manuals Click for Detail

Cinnabar Engineering, Inc., 116 Orval Street, Sandusky, Michigan 48471.
  Parts Department at 1-800-720-2227 or email
                    Parts Book - 1973 to 1978 ---$16
                    Service Bulletins and Recalls - 1973 to 1978 --$50
                    Operating Manuals - 1973 to 1978.  Have VIN number available. --$20--$30
                    Maintenance Manuals - 1973 to 1978. Have VIN number available.--$90
                        76 supplement ------$17
                         77-78 supplement --$48

                    GMC Motorhome News - Quarterly Newsletter -- $2.50 per back issue ---$10/year

Onan Manual

Andrew Miller:
     Thank you for your inquiry. Let me direct you to the Cummins Onan distributor in your area at 1-800-888-6626 (press Option #1) to be directly connected or see the numbers below. They provide sales, service, parts, manuals and information for Onan products. Ask them to order #940-0515.
This will not be in their reference material, so let them know you obtained
the number from Onan and that this is available as an "on demand" item from
the printer. Best regards, Jim Sheehan-Customer Assistant-Onan Corp.

C/O Cummins Power Systems, Inc.
2727 Ford Road
Bristol (Philadelphia) PA 19007
Telephone (215) 785-6005
Fax: (215) 785-4085

Click for Detail These Manuals have paper covers and over the years most of them have become worn.  One way to repair and protect these documents is to cover them with CLEAR SHELF PAPER.   This vinyl material is strong, water proof, and has an adhesive backing that will stick to the covers.

Cut the material larger than the book, fold back a corner of the backing (as shown) align the cover to the book, and press down the finished part while sliding off the backing.  This procedure will allow you to get rid of the air bubbles while you attach the cover.  The alignment must be correct when you start since you cannot remove the cover after it has been attached.  Trim the finished book.

GMC Production Manuals

GMC production manuals.  3 books used on the produciotn line.  $110.00 includes S/H
email -
Dan & Jean Homrich

(Historical Information)

There are two major Magazines shown below.  There are news letters from orgnizations like GMC International, GMC Western states, and several of the GMC chapters.  Some of these offer back issues for sale the you can bind into books.

GMC Motorhome Marketplace (NO LONGER PUBLISHED) (4/15/07)
                                             Monthly Magazine
                                          Subscription $30.00 per year.
                                          Single complimentary issue
                                            available upon request.

                                        GMC Motorhome Marketplace
                                          7091 Broadway, Suite D
                                         Merrillville IN 46410-3537
                                         Tel. & Fax 219-769-7733

GMC Motorhome News  by Cinnabar - Quarterly Newsletter -- $2.50 per back issue ---$10/year

Click for Detail Individual copies are good------I would rather have books Click for Detail

These Magazines are very valuable for the information they contain.  Most owners keep them in various filing systems from stacks to binders.  I propose that a good way to keep them protected and available is to bind them into  books.  The bound books have the following features:
        easy to use                organization
        small size                  easy storage
        light                           several years per book

By Johan Potgieter at e-mail:

This is an excellent web page on Hand Book Binding located at
He describes an easy way to save and protect your magazines.

I prefer to read technical information with the most recent information first.  I bind my magazines with the most recent issue first and the oldest one last.  This way I read all of the corrections first then the actual article.  By binding your magazines, you can  take them with you on the road and they are in the smallest and lightest package possible.

Click for Detail The general technique is to stitch the volumes together with a cloth backing for strength.  Using  a simple wood press you make from two small boards, you glue the completed book into a strong cover for protection. I use a standard filing cabinet  file folder for the cover and I put the clear vinyl shelf liner over the finished book with the titles and spine information glued to the book cover.

I often bind the books while I am on the road.  There is more time to do the stitching and I get to review the material while I am doing the work.  I use my light tester for the sharp punch; sort of a fitting touch for Motorhome magazines I think.  Even if you do not have the cover for a while, the magazines are protected.

Log Books
(Current Information)

Click for DetailClick here for larger picture

The Log Book for a GMC is an important  and potentially valuable part of the documentation for your GMC  Motor Home.  Every operation on the Motor home should be written into this book.  The book will provide documentation at the time of sale, repair, upgrade , that will save you dollars and time.

I use a notebook that the pages cannot be removed.  I feel that nothing should be lost that has happened to the coach.  If
something changes, I write a new page.  The Log Book should contain the following:

                            Details of the operation

(Instantaneous Information)


GMCnetexists for the purpose of exchanging information and promoting discussion about the motorhomes
manufactured by General Motors Corporation(GMC) from 1973 to 1978. Discussion about all aspects of the GMC
Motorhome and the mutual interests of their owners is encouraged. The list is administeredby Patrick Flowers

 1973 GMC Motorhome Brochure
 1973 Sales Brochure

Click for Detail Thanks to Billy Massey for the great Barbie Brochure

Clip Art

GMCnet Pins
Hi Netters,
I want to clarify a couple misgivings. I do not make badges or signs professionally.
I am not in the business of making badges. The chapter badges are made by vendors that do it for a living.

I offered to make the GMCnet badges as a favor to Patrick and the Netters. I make them for cost only. My accesibility to the equiptment to cut these tags is more limited since I retired. I will take all request and will cut them at my first opportunity.

Please e-mail any request for badges off net and I will do them as quickly as I can.
The cost is $1.00 for one badge. This covers the pin (that I have to buy),
the padded envelope, and the postage. Extra badges are .25 ea.

Take care, travel safely..........JR Slaten
Contact him at:

and go ahead and send a couple bucks to:

7702 Old Third Streed Rd.
Louisville,KY  40214
Models, Floorplans, & Decor

GMC  Publications

FMC  Family Motor coach Association
They provide our rally insurance and you have to join this first to join GMC Internaional.

GMC Motorhomes International
 If you haven't joined yet, sign up with GMC Motorhomes International, and spend the $$ for ALL their back issues.  This will provide you with many hints, warnings, and good ideas, and may save you from having to reinvent the wheel many times.
   Of course, call Cinnabar and order the shop manual(s) for your coach.  Even if you do little work yourself, they will allow a competent mechanic to fix it right if you have problems on the road.

Sister Ships
There were other motor homes using the GMC front wheel drive.  Here are some links to those fanatics (like us) that love their motor homes.               GM Futurliner
Swedish GMC
Ultra Van