Ken Henderson Model

This a new version of electric wiper for the GMC motorhome.  This link will take you to all of the pictures and information (4/24/05)


Golby Version

The attached pictures show the Golby electric windshield wiper conversion
kit installed in my '77 Kingsley.  The kit was very complete with good instructions
and the installation was straight-forward.....took me about 5 hours including a lunch break.
Cost was $446 plus shipping.

Picture 1 shows the control knob which replaces the OEM slide leaver.  Push the
button for the washer.  Knob controls intermittant setting plus several continuous speeds.

Click for Detail

Picture 2 shows wiper motor, leaver arms, and mounting bracket which makes it an
exact bolt-in replacement for the OEM hydraulic motor.

Click for Detail