In conclusion.  We believe if you want a 4.25" impeller pump from NAPA you need to order part number 43100.  You then need to check the box for a little number of 130-1260.  After that, I would open the box and measure it to be sure it is really a 4.25 inch impeller pump.Ken B.

Water Pump Rebuild (8/20/05)

San Diego Pump Exchange went out of business in 2003. However, the owner, Steve Warden is still rebuilding water pumps and he will rebuild yours on a turn around basis.
He can be contacted at:
Custom Waterpumps
284 Brule Road
Sault Ste Marie, Ont.
Canada P6A 5K8


Water Pump

The correct water pump has a cast iron 6 paddle blade of 4 1/4" diameter part # 412265-D24.
It must have the D24 on it to be the correct one.
Ray Curtis no longer has a supplier and cannot get water pumps anymore.

The following is a  picture of the CASPRO water pump.  Looks almost identical to the original style.  Has 4.25 inch blade that has a backing.
Available from AJ-USA for $90.Hope this is useful.

Another Cast Iron Pump

This is clearly not the pump suggested above.  The impeller is only 4 inches.  This pump was on my 455 GMC and seemed to do well.

This is the pump used by Mondello on my new motor.  I think it is the TRW  FP1524HD pump.

This is the pump that Winterfeldt supplies.  I believe it is the TRW pump also.  You can see it is a 4" impeller with eight  paddles
but it has a backing plate similar to the cast iron impellers.Thanks for the picture Manny.

The (less expensive )  water pumps use stamped metal paddles and have no backing plate. These do not provide the volume povided by the factory original parts.  If your engine and radiator is in excellent condition many are getting by with these.   Mondello, Winterfeldt, are not using these pumps.

This is the pump supplied by Cinnabar.  Thanks for the picture Arch.

I know of one local GMCer that put this pump on, now his fan clutch comes on all the time on flat land.... He is going back to a pump with a backing plate. Gene

Other pictures of water pumps and how to ID the wrong pump
bad link- so far
( http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=4292030785 )
by Steve F.