Date Bought Date Install receipt # Front suspension parts Source Part # Needed Bought Cost ea Core chg Total cost Tax Shipping Total Spent cost
###### ####### x 408 Absorber Assy, shock, GM975363(damper) Allied Spring MD SSD-55 1 1 $42.59 $42.59 $2.98 $0.00 $45.57
###### 8/2/1999 x 460 Ball joint, lower, front suspension Miracle Mile Moog K-6215 2 1 $79.60 $79.60 $6.37 $85.97
        Ball joint, upper, front suspension Moog K-5238 2 $46.95 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
###### x 13 Bearing, front wheel Gateway Motorhome Co.(included seals) Timken 23, Federal, A-23 2 2 $77.00 $154.00 $12.32 $7.70 $174.02
###### ####### x 403 Boot steering knuckle Gateway 1708 1 1 $12.21 $12.21 $0.98 $0.00 $13.19
CV joint Boot Clamp, inner Miracle Mile Moog CV-3437,moog CV-3437-SB 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
CV joint Boot Clamp, outer Moog CV-3485 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
###### x 12 CV joint Boot, inner, front axel Miracle Mile NAPA2422,Pre 2422 2 2 $23.76 $47.52 $3.80 $51.32
###### x 12 CV joint Boot, outer, front axel Miracle Mile Moog CV-2456, NAPA 2456-SB,  Pre 2456SB 2 2 $13.90 $27.80 $2.22 $30.02
CV joint, Front axle NAPA 5340 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Drag link Assy, steering LH, GM702013   1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Drag link Assy, steering RH, GM702014   1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Hub Assy, Front wheel,new Cinnabar 2 $297.00 $594.00 $47.52 $47.52
Lever Assy, steering relay, GM 697068   2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Seal, inner, front wheel NAPA 47471,federal 5123 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Seal, outer, front wheel NAPA 47470, federal 5109 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Shocks,front, KYB KG  5435 2 2 $51.32 $102.64 $8.21 $110.85
###### ####### X 433 Stabilizer bushings JC Whitney Prothane 1 1/16" (set) 1 1 $9.95 $9.95 $6.85 $16.80
###### stock x 432 Stabilizer bushings JC Whitney Prothane 1 1/16" (set) 1 $9.95 $9.95 $0.00 $4.95 $14.90
###### x Tie rod end, inner, front suspension Moog K-ES-361-R 2 2 $46.63 $93.26 $7.46 $100.72
###### x Tie rod end, outer, front suspension Moog K-ES-412-RL 2 2 $49.45 $98.90 $7.91 $106.81
###### x Tube, adjusting, sleeve, GM6259076 Moog-ES-2004S 2 2 $11.98 $23.96 $1.92 $25.88
###### x knuckle,LH cinnabar 700831 1 1 $240.00 $240.00 $0.00 $10.99 $250.99
###### ####### x 439 End link kit Pepboys 0-52582-00014 1 1 $14.99 $14.99 $1.20 $0.00 $16.19
x bushings,sway bar Miracle Mile K5241(not correct ones) 2 2 $3.50 $7.00 $0.56 $7.56
Total front suspension cost  to date $1,098.31 $0.00
Date Bought Rear  suspension parts Source Part # Needed Bought Cost ea Total Tax Shipping Total Spent cost
Shocks, rear, KYB Gateway KG 5436 4 4 $51.32 $205.28 $205.28
###### x 414 kit, power level upgrade Cinnabar 715100 1 1 $86.00 $86.00 $86.00
###### x 412 Terminals for air compressor power tractor Supply Store 3206346 1 1 $1.39 $1.39 $0.11 $1.50
###### x 413 Air Tubing, plastic 1/4" (per foot) Marshall & Houseman 417196C2 8 8 $0.46 $3.22 $0.26 $3.48
###### ####### x 416 lochtite for air tank lines miracle mile 79340-59214 1 1 $3.75 $3.75 $0.30 $4.05
###### x compressor,Dana Gateway 220 1 1 $193.50 $193.50 $8.88 $202.38
###### x 403 compressor,Dana repair kit Gateway 236 1 1 $48.50 $48.50 $48.50
###### x 21 Stainless Steel Air Tank, 1st design Jim Demare 1 1 $89.00 $89.00 $7.50 $96.50
###### x 400 Air bag with aluminum cones Gateway 212 2 2 $249.00 $498.00 $12.80 $510.80
###### x 438 brass fittings for air lines Lowes 1 1 $16.91 $16.91 $1.35 $18.26
###### x 442 brake fittings NAPA 1 1 $2.69 $2.69 $0.22 $0.00 $2.91
###### x 442 brake line NAPA 1 1 $3.93 $3.93 $0.31 $4.24
Total rear suspension cost  to date $1,183.90
Date Bought  Brake parts Source Part # Needed Bought Cost ea Total Tax Shipping Total Spent cost
x Disk Pads Pepboys BD52M 1 1 $39.99 $39.99 $2.80 $42.79
###### ####### X 430 Booster Assy, sensitized Leigh Harrison   1 1 $225.00 $225.00 $0.00 $20.00 $245.00
###### x 12 Disk Pad Miracle Mile Raybestos PGD52M 1 1 $33.00 $33.00 $2.31 $35.31
###### x 12 Front caliper, left Miracle Mile Raybestos RWC5030 1 1 $25.99 $25.99 $1.82 $27.81
###### x 12 Front caliper, right Miracle Mile Raybestos RWC5029 1 1 $25.99 $25.99 $1.82 $27.81
###### x 12 Front hose, GM 9758214 Miracle Mile Wagner F86578 2 2 $36.31 $72.62 $5.08 $77.70
Valve, Assy, metering balance, GM1236004 Delco 172-1351,GM 25515634 (Utica General Truck 732-6115) 1 $76.00 $76.00 $0.00
###### x 447 pump, vacuum assist advance auto parts 215119 1 1 $142.99 $142.99 $10.01 $153.00
Total front brake cost  to date $413.63
Total front brake final cost $489.63
Brakes, rear Wagner 272-DR 4 $0.00 $0.00
Brakes, rear spring kit NAPA 22-34, EIS 7028 4 $0.00 $0.00
Rear Wheel cylinder,standard 15/16 Wagner 51081, NAPA 37048 4 $0.00 $0.00
Total rear brake cost  to date $609.42 0
Date Bought Engine parts (engine 417794) Source Part # Needed Bought Cost ea Total Tax Shipping Total Spent cost
###### ####### x 8 Carburetor, Rochester 7045254 Miracle Mile #4-754 1 1 $234.75 $234.75 $18.78 $9.99 $263.52
###### ####### x 2 Distributer Cap Miracle Mile Standard DR450X 1 1 $20.21 $20.21 $1.41 $0.00 $21.62
###### ####### x 424 Upper radiator hose NAPA 7726 1 1 $14.69 $14.69 $1.18 $15.87
###### ####### x 424 Flex radiator hose NAPA FM15 1 1 $17.69 $17.69 $1.42 $19.11
###### ####### hose, vacuum 5/32" ID Bryan Acee (free) 415899 $0.00 $0.00
###### ####### x 1 Ignition wires, engine Miracle Mile Belden 700241 1 1 $42.93 $42.93 $3.43 $46.36
PCV valve, GM 6424982 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
###### ####### x 427 anti freeze,prestone Advance autoparts Part # 3 3 $5.47 $16.41 $1.15 $17.56
###### ####### x 6 Pivot, valve rocker arm Miracle Mile GM 391208,sealed Power 2-434 4 4 $4.02 $16.08 $1.13 $17.21
###### 3/9/1998 x 19 Spark Plugs Parts America AC Delco R46SZ 8 8 $1.39 $11.12 $0.78 $11.90
###### ####### x 9 Contact adhesive for valve covers Parts America 1 1 $1.59 $1.59 $0.11 $1.70
###### ####### x Starter Miracle Mile USA Industries 3629 1 1 $46.00 $46.00 $3.68 0 49.68
###### Starter Miracle Mile USA Industries 3629 1 $46.00 20.00 $66.00 $3.68 0 69.68
###### ####### x 415 Tube elbow, oil fill, GM 702202 Gateway Davis 702202,Gateway 1009 2 2 $21.75 $43.50 $6.30 $49.80
###### ####### x 429 alternator Miracle Mile USA 3629 1 1 $46.00 $46.00 $3.68 $20.00 $69.68
###### ####### x 2 Distribute Rotor Miracle Mile Standard DR318X 1 1 $7.84 $7.84 $0.55 $0.00 $8.39
carburetor cleaner $0.00 $0.00
###### ####### x 14 Fuel filter, inline Miracle Mile AC GF-61P, WIX 33033 1 1 $3.62 $3.62 $0.29 $3.91
###### 4/7/1998 406 Engine enamel, blue Parts America 139212 2 2 $2.00 $4.00 $0.28 $4.28
###### ####### x 419 wire loom kit Parts America 7918071 1 1 $8.99 $8.99 $0.63 $9.62
###### ####### x 16 Fuel Line (per foot) trackside auto parts H-175 1 1 $0.69 $0.69 $0.05 $0.74
###### ####### x Engine enamel, blue Parts America 1 1 $3.67 $3.67 $0.26 $3.93
###### ####### x Gunk Engine brite Parts America 3 3 $1.33 $3.99 $0.28 $4.27
###### ####### x 406 metal Drip Pan Parts America 1 1 $3.99 $3.99 $0.28 $4.27
###### x Rochester Carb rebuild kit Miracle Mile #2-25561 1 1 $20.10 $20.10 $1.41 $21.51
###### x 6 Carb float Miracle Mile 2-434 1 1 $10.92 $10.92 $0.76 $11.68
###### ####### x 6 valve cover gasket Miracle Mile VS13403 1 1 $12.27 $12.27 $0.86 $13.13
###### 2/2/2001 x 446 Fuel pump NAPA M6109 1 1 $24.45 $24.45 $1.71 $26.16
###### ####### x 446 brake lines NAPA 813-1245 1 1 $5.31 $5.31 $0.37 $5.68
Total engine parts  cost  to date $771.25      
Air Conditioning/heat      
###### 1/8/2001 x 423 air conditioning compressor NAPA 251101 1 1 $169.00 $169.00 $13.52 $182.52
###### 1/8/2001 X 423 air conditioner drier NAPA 208508 1 1 $38.02 $38.02 $3.04 $41.06
###### 1/8/2001 x 449 AC retrofit kit advance autoparts 26241 1 1 $31.99 $31.99 $2.24 $34.23
###### ####### x 454 radiator core and labor Canfields Radiator GDI 12-8751 (16 fins per inch) 1 1 $295.00 $295.00 $23.60 $318.60
Total engine parts  cost  to date $182.52
Date Bought Exhaust Source Part # Needed Bought Cost ea Total Tax Shipping Total Spent cost
###### ####### x 2 Exhaust manifold gasket Miracle Mile Felpro 1439 1 1 $28.11 $28.11 $1.97 $30.08
###### x 11 Doug thorley Headers Austins Pro.max 355Y 1 1 $315.00 $315.00 $22.00 $337.00
###### ####### x 3 Exhaust doughnut Miracle Mile Felpro 60241 1 1 $9.58 $9.58 $0.77 $0.00 $10.35
###### 7/6/1998 x 418 manifold gasket Parts America mr Gasket 7445299 1 1 $4.99 $4.99 $0.35 $5.34
###### 7/6/1998 x 418 Ultra copper silicon Parts America 7349822 1 1 $4.79 $4.79 $0.34 $5.13
###### ####### x 404 Exhaust flange Parts America 1 1 $2.39 $2.39 $0.17 $2.56
###### ####### x 442 exhaust pipe clamps stainless steel Piluso's whitesboro EC25 2 2 $7.36 $14.72 $1.18 $15.90
###### ####### x 442 brake lines Piluso's whitesboro 8131235 2 2 $5.10 $10.20 $0.82 $11.02
###### ####### x 442 exhaust pipe clamps stainless steel Piluso's whitesboro EC30 2 2 $7.50 $15.00 $1.20 $16.20
###### 7/6/2000 x 444 mufflers Advance auto parts 18695 2 2 $14.99 $29.98 $2.40 $32.38
###### 7/6/2000 x 444 muffler clamps Advance auto parts 2 1/4" 2 2 $1.19 $2.38 $0.19 $2.57
###### ####### x 443 mufflers Advance auto parts 18695 2 2 $14.99 $29.98 $2.40 $0.00 $32.38
422 UPS shipping for headers Swain Tech 1 1 $8.12 $8.12 $0.00 $8.12
Coating for headers swain white lighting Swain Tech 1 1 $183.00 $183.00
Total exhaust parts  cost  to date $509.01  
Date Bought Fresh Water system SOURCE PART # Needed Bought Cost ea Total Tax Shipping Total Spent cost
###### ####### x Tank Fresh Water 30# OS 52# DW Cinnabar 2018854 1 1 $245.00 $245.00 $11.00 $256.00
###### ####### x 15 Water hose for tank & pump(per foot) Miracle Mile 21411 3 3 $0.78 $2.34 $0.16 $2.50
Total fresh water parts  cost  to date $258.50
Date Bought MISCELLANEOUS PARTS SOURCE PART # Needed Bought Cost ea Total Tax Shipping Total Spent cost
###### 2/.4/00 x 437 Battery (house deep cycle) DRAV's Inc SRM-4D 1 1 $120.95 $120.95 $9.87 $20.00 $150.82
###### x 435 TC40 remote conrol   West Marine TC40 1 1 $29.99 $29.99 $2.40 $4.95 $37.34
###### ####### x 431 Ramco Mirrors Jerry Wheeler 2102HR-GMC 1 1 $315.00 $315.00 $0.00 $0.00 $315.00
###### ####### x 426 fresh water system pump Camping World 36950 1 1 $179.10 $179.10 $1.00 $180.10
###### 1/3/2001 x 453  pump guard Seven O's RV 741369 1 1 $16.95 $16.95 $1.19 $18.14
###### 1/1/2001 x 425 Drivers/passenger window felt Cooperative Motorworks 1 1 $18.00 $18.00 $1.08 $0.00 $19.08
###### x 425 stainless steel rear panel screws Cooperative Motorworks 25 25 $2.25 $56.25 $3.38 $0.00 $59.63
Tires Michelin XPS,LT225-75R16 E NTB price adjusted by Michelin 7 7 $160.99 $357.70 $25.04 $382.74
###### x 403 Dana Compressor Gateway 2M8 1 1 $193.50 $193.50 $193.50
###### ####### x 434 A&E 18' awning Camping World 1 1 $486.18 $486.18 0 $486.18
###### x Driver/pass window felt kit Cooperative motor works 1 1 $18.00 $18.00 $1.08 0 $19.08
###### x rear panel screws stainless Cooperative motor works 25 25 $2.25 $56.25 $3.38 0 $33.00
###### ####### x 452 Toilet, Aurora magic bone Camping World 13294987 1 1 $206.10 $206.10 $0.00 0 $206.10
    x terminals, assorted tractor supply store 3206346 1 1 $1.39 $1.39 $0.11 $0.00 $1.50
###### x 420 Storage pod, 21 cu ft Alex Sirum 1 1 $462.00 $462.00 $8.00 $470.00
###### x 420 GMC Hubcaps Alex Sirum 1 1 $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00
###### x 420 Solaire outside furnace covers Alex Sirum 2 2 $12.50 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00
###### ####### x 405 panel adhesive for rear floor Grants 1 1 $1.99 $1.99 $0.16 $2.15
###### x 430 Sender, holding tank Golby Motors 1 1 $90.40 $90.40 $0.00 $7.95 $98.35
###### f 414 Sender, holding tank Cinnabar 6429634 1 1 $69.00 $69.00 $4.83 $5.92 $79.75
###### ####### x 417 holding tank termination Seven O's RV T1029-2 1 1 $2.39 $2.39 $0.17 $2.56
###### ####### x 417 cd/1 Cap and strap for holding tank Seven O's RV 1 1 $2.45 $2.45 $0.17 $2.62
###### ####### x 417 EZ coupler, 90 degrees for holding tank Seven O's RV 1 1 $9.99 $9.99 $0.70 $10.69
###### ####### x 411 san-drain 20" HD Seven O's RV 1 1 $14.95 $14.95 $1.05 $16.00
###### ####### x 411 RV water hose,20" HD Seven O's RV 1 1 $14.95 $14.95 $1.05 $16.00
###### ####### x 411 Catch, plastic for cabinet door Seven O's RV 1 1 $0.14 $0.14 $0.01 $0.15
###### ####### x 409 Bondo for repairing rear floor support Parts America 1 1 $4.46 $4.46 $0.31 $4.77
###### ####### x 410 Hardwood 3/4"X2'X4"  panel for repairing floor Home Depot 21709230062 1 1 $7.96 $7.96 $0.64 $8.60
###### ####### x   Carb medic Parts America 1 1 $1.77 $1.77 $0.12 $1.89
####### x 20 Generator door Gateway 30# 3A 1 1 $163.00 $163.00 $13.50 $176.50
###### ####### x 4 Park adapter, 50Amp to 30 Amp Seven O's RV 30M-50F 1 1 $16.95 $16.95 $1.19 $18.14
###### ####### x 4 30 amp to 15amp adapter Seven O's RV 1 1 $3.59 $3.59 $0.25 $3.84
###### x 1969 Olds E cylinder heads Ken Smith used 2 2 $30.00 $60.00 $0.00 $60.00
###### x 402 1969 Toronado Constant velocity joints outer Ken Smith used 2 2 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00
###### x 402 1969 Toronado Constant velocity joints inner Ken Smith used 2 2 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00
###### x 402 1969 Toronado Air Cleaner Ken Smith used 1 1 N/c $0.00 $0.00
###### ####### Sub-floor adhesive for rear floor repair Grants 1 1 $1.99 $1.99 $0.14 $2.13
###### #######  x 401 40Amp converter Statpower 904-0400(Statpower 40) 1 1 $176.27 $176.27 $12.34 $12.91 $201.52
###### ####### x 428 Power final drive 3.42 Cinnabar 230782        SN 342422 1 1 ####### $1,195.00 $0.00 $57.67 $1,252.67
###### ####### x 428 final drive core charge Cinnabar 1 1 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00
###### ####### x 428 final drive gasket to tranny Cinnabar 30094 1 1 $6.50 $6.50 $0.00 $0.00 $6.50
###### ####### x 436 Furnace 30KBTU suburban Cinnabar Suburban 30KBTU SAR 1 1 $525.00 $525.00 $0.00 $525.00
###### 6/1/2000 x Sender, holding tank Golby Motors 507 1 1 $90.40 $90.40 $7.95 $98.35
###### ####### x 428 washer 3/8" lock HD Cinnabar MS37 12 12 $0.20 $2.40 $0.00 $0.00 $2.40
###### ####### x 428 drive axel bolts 12 pt Cinnabar 394777 12 12 $0.75 $9.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.00
###### ####### x 440 connector trailer Advance auto parts 1 1 $4.29 $4.29 $0.30 $0.00 $4.59
###### ####### x 448 hose for mascerator out let Advance auto parts 1" 20 20 $1.20 $24.00 $1.68 $0.00 $25.68
###### ####### x 456 refrigerator,Norcold JC Whitney N671 1 1 $989.95 $989.95 $0.00 $989.95
###### ####### x 456 refrigerator door panel JC Whitney 1 1 $35.95 $35.95 $0.00 $0.00 $35.95
###### 6/1/2000 x 451 Ragusa aluminum welcome step Ragusa pattern works RV19 1 1 $128.00 $128.00 $8.00 $136.00
###### x 451 Rgusa final drive cover Ragusa pattern works RV-83 1 1 $76.80 $76.80 $8.00 $84.80
###### x 451 Ragusa transmission cooler pan Ragusa pattern works RV-30 1 1 $120.00 $120.00 $8.00 $128.00
      Ragusa triple battery tray Ragusa pattern works 1 1
Rostra cruise control
###### x 457 Wing dash panel Gauges XKs inc 1 1 $544.57 $544.57 $0.00 $8.13 $552.70
###### 2/4/1999 x 421 Wheels, alcoa Aluminum gateway Alcoa 16" 7 7 $1,367.00 $0.00 $1,367.00
###### ####### x 458 Alcoa center covers(ford 8 hole fronts) Continental tire CT-F2FC 6 6 $7.80 $46.80 $3.50 $50.30  
###### ####### X 458 Nut covers 1 1/16" stainless steel Continental tire CT-NC3 48 48 $0.90 $43.20 $3.53 $46.73
###### ####### x 459 Drip cap for entrance door Cooperative motor works 1 1 $3.50 $3.50 $0.21 $0.00 $3.71
###### 2/3/2001 x 459 bath room door latch Cooperative motor works 1 1 $32.00 $32.00 $1.92 $0.00 $33.92
###### ####### x 459 stainless steell engine vents Cooperative Motorworks 2 2 $14.00 $28.00 $1.68 $0.00 $29.68
Total Miscellaneous parts cost  $7,419.44
x OTC-927SP push puller JSC Corp OTC-927SP 1 1 $75.00 $75.00 $0.00 $4.28 $79.28
###### ####### x 460  tie rod puller(Kent Moore tools) Kent Moore J-24319-B 1 1
###### ####### x 445 Gear wrench Sears set 1 1 $47.49 $47.49 $3.32 $0.00 $50.81
###### ####### x 450 tubing bender Seneca plumbing 1 1 $30.00 $30.00 $2.40 $32.40
###### ####### x 455 Brake tool NAPA 285 1 1 $7.99 $7.99 $0.64 $8.63
###### ####### x Upper radiator hose NAPA FM15 1 1 $17.69 $17.69 $1.42 $0.00 $19.11
Lower radiator hose NAPA 7726 1 1 $14.69 $14.69 $1.18 $0.00 $15.87
Total Miscellaneous parts cost  to date $8,333.17    
Total Miscellaneous parts  final cost $8,359.80  
coach  cost to date $23,918.70
coach parts cost to date $12,918.70